Our Values

Every church is unique in talents, experiences, passions, personality, and divine calling. We would like to give you an opportunity to understand more about who we are, what we are like, and what our calling is. We believe that if you understand this, then you will be able to determine if we are the best church family to serve and be most effective in your potential for the kingdom of God!

Love is Priority

We regard love (loving God and loving others) as the highest priority, as outlined in the Bible.

We love to have fun! We value hospitality and genuine friendships.

How we publicly praise God

We love to praise and worship God with enthusiasm and highly value taking time to do so!

We value the “felt presence” and power from God’s spirit.


We believe everyone should be serving the needs of their church family and community through their physical AND spiritual gifts. We are all ministers and should serve and submit and Jesus did.

We cultivate and disciple others in Christ honoring roles in all relationships: marriage, family, neighbors, workplace, and church family.

We believe God has called us to be significant and influential wherever we are at.


We hold a supernatural world view and work to promote harmony and cooperation between the entire body of Christ across backgrounds, cultures, and traditions.

We respect traditions, but operate free from religious attitude.


Jesus said “My house is a house of PRAYER”. We were made to walk in unity with the Heavenly Father and prayer is how we do that.

We believe prayer is the battle plan, and not the backup plan. We prioritize spiritual warfare and an attitude of constant prayer for ourselves and each other.


We operate as a team within a move of God. Pastoral leadership is important, but we don’t believe in a “one man show”.

We believe God wants us to be healed in spirit, soul, and physical body. We cultivate an environment for that to take place all the time.

We believe in prioritizing our children and youth!

We love to have fun! We value hospitality and genuine friendships.

Our Beliefs

We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith in boldness and passion.

  • The Trinity

    We believe in the Trinity, which is the doctrine that God is one, existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three persons of the Trinity are distinct and unified, co-existing in perfect harmony and working together to create and sustain the world. We recognize that since God is the Creator and the source of all life, He exists in three persons who are distinct yet united, understanding each other completely and working together to bring about His plans for humanity. We believe that the Trinity is an essential part of understanding God and His purpose for us. (John 1, Ephesians 4)

  • The Bible

    We believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible, that it is the true and inspired word of God. We believe that the Bible is our standard for life, and its truth, integrity, and relevance is of utmost importance. The Bible is not just a book, but a living guide, full of God’s wisdom and guidance. The word is alive and active! We believe everything that is written in God’s Word and that He continues to bring revelation from His Word. (Hebrews 4:12, 1 Corinthians 2:10-12)

  • Jesus

    We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is the Word of God made flesh. Jesus was sent by God to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins so that we could enjoy an eternal life with Him. Jesus’ teachings on love, forgiveness, humility, and repentance are at the core of our beliefs. We also believe in Jesus’ resurrection, that it was proof of His deity and the promise of eternal life for all those who believe. We are called to follow Jesus, to live lives of holiness, and to share the good news of the gospel. As we learn to love and serve others, we are reminded of Jesus’ example of love and sacrifice. (Hebrews 1:3)

  • Salvation

    We believe in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus was sent by God to save us and give us eternal life. Salvation is only possible through faith in Jesus and repentance of our sins. We understand that we are saved through grace and not by any works of our own. We believe that through accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are able to have the assurance of salvation and the promise of eternal life with God. Salvation in Greek is “Sozo” which means to be saved, delivered, set free, and healed in physical body. (Ephesians 2:9-8)

  • Baptism

    We believe in the importance of baptism. Baptism symbolizes a believer's commitment to Jesus and His teachings, and is an outward act of confessing our faith in Him. We believe that baptism is essential to Christian discipleship. Baptism is spiritual in nature as our dead spirit is brought to life as we are raised out of the water into new life! Water baptism has to do with repentance and being washed by the blood of Jesus. (Hebrews 10:22, Romans 6:4)

  • Holy Spirit

    We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the unifying power between God and humanity, and is the source of our comfort, guidance, and strength. The Holy Spirit gives us gifts such as wisdom, knowledge, understanding, healing, miracles, tongues, and prophecy so that we can be used to serve God and spread His love. When we are saved, the Hoy Spirit dwells within our spirit and positionally, the connection with God is re united. We receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands and receive the gifts He imparts as HIs choosing. (Luke 3:16, Acts 2:1-4, Romans 8:9, Acts 19:6)

  • The Church

    We believe that the Church is a holy assembly of believers, united in faith and love. We strive to be a community of believers who are united in our faith in Jesus Christ and in our commitment to serve Him and His kingdom. We are committed to loving God and loving others, and to be known for our love for one another. A healthy church ensures that every believer is using their physical and spiritual gifts regularly. There are many different church bodies so that we can be a part of a family where we are most effective for the kingdom of God. We believe that the Church is a body of believers who are called to serve and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. We strive to live out our faith through loving actions and service to our community and the world. (Acts 2:32, 1 Timothy 3:14-15, Romans 12:4-5)

  • Prayer

    Prayer is communion and intimacy with God. It is the posture of our hearts, and bodies, that opens the doorway to hearing God’s voice. We believe in the power of prayer, both individually and corporately, as an expression of faith in God's work in our lives. Prayer is an essential part of a Christian life and is used to talk to God and to communicate with Him. We pray for guidance, strength, healing, protection, and for our families, friends, and community. Through prayer, we seek to deepen our understanding of God's will and His plans for our lives. We are called to pray “continually” and seek with Will of God. Prayer is also meditative in nature as we wait for the Lord to speak to us. (Philipians 4:16, 1 John 5:14-15, Mark 11:24, James 5:16)